Dollhouse Accessories Tutorials
To watch the tutorials just click the arrow on the videos below, each tutorial will play automatically. To skip ahead, click the "next arrow" on the video bar and click through to the video you want to see.
Dollhouse Accessories
Playlist includes 16 tutorials ~ Tiny Ship in a Bottle, Gramophone, 3 telephones, doily, paperweight, pictures & picture frames, curtains, window blinds, 2 fireplaces & a salt water aquarium.
Dollhouse Lighting
Playlist includes 9 tutorials for working and non-working lamps and lighting.
Miniature Candles
Playlist includes 6 tutorials for candles , (working and non-working), & candle holders, made from a variety of materials.
Miniature Books
Playlist include 7 tutorials for opening and non-opening books created with a variety of materials including polymer clay.
Flowers & Plants
Playlist includes 16 tutorials ~ Echeveria, Hosta, Lavender, various potted plants, Lily, Roses, Lily Bell, Sunflowers, Daffodils, Carnations, Hyacinth, Snake Plant, Lotus & plant stand.