Free Miniature Dollhouse Projects & Tutorials
I have encountered many talented people in the miniature world willing to share their projects, tutorials and ideas, for free! Scroll down this page and you will find projects and tutorials donated to this site by fellow miniaturists and a variety of video tutorials created by some of the most talented miniature artists from all over the world. I also provide free step by step tutorials of some furnishings/accessories I make for my own dollhouses.
If you have a project you would like to share on this site or a video you would like me to post, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
Free Dollhouse Miniature Video Tutorials
New video tutorials added monthly!
Free Miniature Projects & Tutorials
1:12 scale miniature dollhouse tutorials. Click photos to view.
Dollhouse Miniatures Video Tutorial Links
Check back soon, new tutorials added often!
Dollhouse Miniatures Food Tutorial Video Links
Scroll down for video on polymer clay color mixing tips for foods.